我的十年 My 10 years

十年前后 10 years' challenge (My Version我的版本)


以自身經驗為出發點尝试尝试自己没有接触过的领域。这个决定始于自己成了小美用者,身为一个因为当初的基本印象而对它止步,没有好好了解它而现在相逢恨晚的新用户,有了这体会之后就特别想把我的经验分享给更多人,让更多人知道你必须至少看过,体验过小美,才能真正了解知道到底小美是怎么样的物超所值而为你的生活带来怎么样的便利和改变  一种绝对超乎你想象,意想不到的超棒改变。

10年前: 人家的女儿,妹妹,漂老婆兼已有一个两岁女娃兼怀着双胞女娃兼上着班的孕妇
10年后: 依然不變的上着班和是人家的誰誰誰誰之外,我有個想要自我介紹身份:

『大家好,我是小美 - 善品健康烹飪顧問』




10 years ago

Someone’s daughter, youngest sister, wife, a working mother for a 2 yrs old cutie while expecting a twins daughter.

10 yrs later (present)

Remained the first 4 identities of above but the baby then has now grown up big and are all school kids. Apart from the above, a newly added role where I would like to venture in due to the urge of me to share with people ever since i am an user to experience and beneficial from the World’s Smallest Kitchen.

Yes, is Thermomix that could help us in preparing quality, natural and healthy food & drinks daily in an quick & easy yet without messing up your kitchen, imagine yourself to have a clean and shine kitchen even after cooking Hainanese Chicken Rice, Sweet and Sour Pork or even Claypot Chicken Rice with dishes. Also, you could start your day with TM's made smoothies, fresh soy milk ready in 30 minutes, make your own pandan kaya, orange marmalade to go with your own baked bread.

Last but not least, save more details till we meet, I am proudly presenting to you that you will have me as your Thermomix Advisor - the World’s Smallest Kitchen to do Healthy Cooking.

See it for real, book your cooking demo today to know more!

Such a coincidence that TM also marking their 10 yrs in Msia while i met TM in in this 10 yrs topic


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