25 May 2016  Sunny
i need to post this grumpy post everywhere so that i could remember this disappointment.
I could be grumpy but not on Public at most of the time...but this one, honestly, I felt so humiliated that i need to share out when seeing this reply after I sent in my query asking why my time was not recorded, with the way this help team reply, i don't think the "help team" name should be there.
I am not sure if your help team receive too many queries questioning about the non existence results till they forgot how to reply in a polite way, otherwise, What do you mean when you write "if you can proof" ??? Do you think a runner who don't even know which category they should ran, what time they should start would even bother to send in to your official email to seek for your help???? When a runner took the bib from organiser, started the run n trusted the organiser would have recorded their running time but the organiser failed n asked the runners to proof themselves back to the organiser that they ran, the logic doesn't seems right. Furthermore, is not that I did not went to your information counter n check out the problem immediately when I discovered on the event day, but I went and I was told the apps is not official time, n I was asked to wait for official time to be announced and there when I saw the official result, and question why my name is not in the list, I was asked to proof myself that I ran in your event. Proof?! i have ways to proof myself, but i guess i am done with #scklm2017 HELP TEAM who did not provide any solutions but to ask runner to prove themselves due to organiser's (or the bib's) failure.
Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2017 I know I am just one little runner who you might not even care.. but still, I ENROLLED & RAN SCKLM for the past few years and initially i never thought of stop enrollong myself for future events, but now feeling myself totally idiot by raising question to the help team who threw doubts rather than really wanted to help, really a huge disappointment seeing this email reply. #Shouldhelpteambeentraineduphowtophrasetheirwordbeforereplyingdisappointedrunner #scklm2017 #idontthinkideservedthisreply#iperceivethisreplynegatively #whatahelpteam


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